We are commanded to love like Jesus.

This February, we are having Love Month here at Grace. This is an exciting initiative where we are coming together as a Church Family to serve and love our city like never before! Our goal is to see outreaches across the Houston area led by people like you and me. Check out the number of outreach opportunities for you and your family to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Explore the various outreach opportunities available for you and your family to embody the love and compassion of Jesus.

Feb. 1st Clothed By Faith

Feb. 8th Beach Clean Up

Feb. 15th Houston Food Bank

Feb. 22nd 1000 Hills Ministry (Homeless Outreach)

Feb. 22nd Worship In ThePark

Feb.23rd Blood Drive

Feb. 27th Prayer At The Hospital

Create an outreach project!

Explore additional service ideas for yourself, your family, and/or small groups to positively impact your community below. There is no limit to what you can do! When hosting your outreach, we invite you to capture and share the moment by tagging @gracehoustontx and @gracelovestx.

Here are some impactful ways to make a difference in your community:

  • Pray for those in need
  • Organize a community clean-up
  • Spend time with and show love to senior citizens
  • Purchase groceries for a family in need
  • Mow a neighbor's lawn
  • Treat someone to a special meal
  • Visit nursing homes to offer companionship
  • Write and send encouragement cards
  • Surprise someone with flowers
  • Start a food drive and donate to a local shelter
  • Bake cookies for your co-workers
  • Create a gift basket for local educators
  • Host a community park party
  • Deliver baked goods to local first responders
  • Contribute to a community garden project
  • Organize or join a community fitness class
  • Assemble hygiene kits for those in need
  • Perform random acts of kindness at work, the gym, the store, school, or wherever you are

Small acts of kindness can have a significant impact. Pick one and brighten someone’s day!

We're eager to learn about your plans for Love Month in order to cheer you on and partner in prayer. Kindly fill out the link below to share your initiatives with us! LoveMonthForm

Outreach Groups

“Your serving doesn’t have to stop after February! 

Join an Outreach Group and make a meaningful impact! These groups participate in monthly and bi-monthly outreaches, allowing us to extend our reach and build strong, impactful relationships with our city partners and those we serve.

Right now, our Outreach Groups are making a difference by:

  • Serving individuals experiencing homelessness
  • Supporting men and women in addiction recovery
  • Partnering with the Houston Food Bank
  • Encouraging hospital patients
  • Assisting families involved in fostering and adoption

Be part of all that God is doing—join an Outreach Group today!”


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