Our Vision
We see a church consumed by the MISSION OF GOD
consumed with helping people find the joy that only comes through salvation in Jesus Christ. It’s a church where people find freedom, answers, miracles, hope, and ultimately FIND GOD. They count whatever the cost and pay whatever the price to see people redeemed by God.
We see a church that is God-centered and Holy Spirit driven
passionate about GOD’S WORD and WORSHIPPING GOD; a church full of divine encounters and life-changing moments. They believe in the power of PRAYER and that God still does MIRACLES. They are a church that advances, expands, and never settles for LESS than His MORE.
We see a church committed to not just attend church weekly, but committed to BE the church daily
people who understand church isn’t something we DO, it’s someone we ARE.
We see a church dedicated to RAISING up, SENDING out and EQUIPPING Godly leaders that will lead their homes, their church, their city and their world
a church that pours into other churches and leaders everywhere through relationships, resources, and training. They are a launching pad for NEW CHURCHES and NEW MINISTRIES that proclaim the message of Jesus Christ.
We see a church that believes in, values, and loves the next generation and sees them as a priority now
They are a church that leverages what they have to reach kids and youth and empowers them to not just be the church of TOMORROW; but be the church of TODAY.
We see a church reaching people of all ages, all backgrounds, all races, and all standings.
They are a church that loves people with God’s love; where DIFFERENCES aren’t TOLERATED; they are CELEBRATED. A church that doesn’t just TALK about HEAVEN but actually LOOKS like HEAVEN.
We see a church compelled to serve, care, and engage with a city every chance they get.
They are not willing to SIT BY and WATCH but compelled to STAND UP and DO. Their heart extends beyond their city and reaches around the world. They are willing; they are motivated, they are determined to GIVE and GO so that EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE can know God’s love.
We see a church in deep relationship with each other
Where everyone is welcome no matter their struggle, no matter their hurt, no matter their past and no matter their situation. They are a church where walls are TORN DOWN and relationships are BUILT UP; a church that is passionate, fun, contagious, and relevant.